Mahendra Sharma
Pro Chancellor & Director General
Dr. Mahendra Sharma is Vice Chancellor (Director) of Ganpat University Since February 02, 2015. Prior to taking over as Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Sharma has served as Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academics) of the University for 5 years; and as Officiating Vice-Chancellor of the University for 1 year.
Dr.Mahendra Sharma is a Professor with the Faculty of Management Studies. He is a Ph.D in Consumer Behaviour area. Dr. Sharma possesses rich experience in the areas of Strategic Management, Rural Marketing, Sales & Distribution Management, Services Marketing, Retail Management and Consumer Behaviour. Under his leadership the Faculty of Management Studies stated annua International Conference on Emerging Practices in Management; Teacher Training Workshop for Case-Writing and Research Methodology; Students activities like National events viz., Pratibha (National Summer Project Contest), Protsahan (National Management Games Event), and National level Symposiums on various Management Themes. He is Editor-in-Chief of bi-annual refereed Management Journal ‘GFJMR’ of the Department and is Member of Editorial Advisory Board of several Journals.
Dr. Sharma has been with GanpatVidyanagar since 2000. He has served as Dean of Faculty of Management Studies since 2005. He is known for his contribution for launch of industry focused MBA programs in the areas of Pharmaceuticals Management, Agribusiness Management, Retail Management, International Business and Media and Entertainment. It was his pioneering initiative to start 5-year integrated MBA program in 2007 and offering of functional and sectoral specialization within MBA curriculum.
Dr. Sharma established the M.Phil and Ph.D program in Management as founding Chairman. He established the Centre of Management Studies, Centre for International Alliances, Department of Social Work, Centre for Advance Research Studies, Faculty of Skills Development, andFaculty of Social Sciences and Humanities at the University under his active leadership.
Dr. Sharma has played vital role in the evolution of University and its various activities. He has been credited with visionary efforts on following initiatives as Pro Vice Chancellor (Academics):
Evolved industry tied Models and offering industry focused programs. He played a vital role in tying with IBM, Oracle, SAP, eInfochips, HBL and several organizations. In particular, programs like Post Graduate Diploma in ERP Systems with triangular arrangement with SAP, Victoria University and Ganpat University is a very unique program. B. Tech in Cloud Computing, Big Data and Mobile Applications and M.Tech in VLSI are few more initiatives.
He guided the implementation of ‘Choice Based Credit Semester System’, ‘Ph.D Guideline’, and ‘Examination reforms’.
Under his dynamic and able leadership as Chairperson of Centre for International Alliances, the University has entered into agreements with Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia; Kaplan Business School, Australia; Penn State University, Penn State, USA; and several other universities.
Till date Twenty Two M.Phil. Dissertations and Seven Ph.D. degrees has been successfully completed under his guidance. He has received Best Research Paper Award during AIMS Western Region Conference in 2005 and Best Case-Study Award during GCeMP Conference in 2013.
He is recipient of ‘Best Alumnus Award’ by Prestige Institute of Management and Research, Indore, ‘Outstanding Contribution to the Field of Education’ by World Education Congress and Private Universities Forum 2014 and several awards in Research by leading organizations.
He was Nodal Officer with Gujarat Common Entrance Test (GCET 2006, 2007 and 2008) for MBA admissions in the State. Dr. Sharma is Advisor and Member of Advisory Boards of several Institutes’ in the country. He is Chairperson for AIMS Gujarat Chapter since 2011.