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Education Qualification
D. Pharm, BSc, MSc, PhD Microbiology, CSIR-UGC NET(LS) with AIR-45, ICAR-NET (LS), GSET (LS)
Research Area
Antimicrobial activity, Fermentation Technology, Enzymology, Microbial Fuel Cell, Biofuel, Probiotics, Bacteriocins, Mushrooms, Extremophiles
General Information
With a rich academic experience of over 16 years in UG as well as PG courses, Dr. Hardik Shah has guided more than 30 postgraduate dissertations and currently guiding 05 PhD scholars for the subject Microbiology at Ganpat University. He is also a winner of President Award for the year 2018 in the category of “Teaching and Learning” from Ganpat University. Further, he actively participated in an International Faculty Development Program at United Kingdom in 2019.
Dr. Shah has published one book, 11 publications in the journals of repute and 03 chapters in books by renowned publishing houses. His cardinal research interests include Microbial Fuel Cell, Extremophiles, Probiotics, Bacteriocins, Antimicrobial activity, Mushrooms and Fermentative technology and Enzymology.
Dr. Shah has a knack for technology and loves to do blogging. He’s been operating a few blogs and a YouTube channel designed exclusively for students connected with allied subjects of life sciences.
He is also a member of various academic and professional bodies such as Microbiology Society of India (MSI), Vigyan Gurjari, Association of Microbiologists of India (AMI) etc.
Dr. Hardik Shah is currently working as Associate Professor in Microbiology at Mehsana Urban Institute of Sciences, Faculty of Science, Ganpat University. He is also coordinating Department of Medical Lab. Technology. He is also appointed as a coordinator of N-BT-CBC (Network of BioTechnology Capacity Building Cells) of Gujarat State Biotechnology Mission (GSBTM) at Mehsana Urban Institute of Sciences, Ganpat University.