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Faculty of Science
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Start Date
29/12/2021 10:00 AM
End Date
31/12/2021 04:00 PM
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The Department of Chemistry, Mehsana Urban Institute of Sciences, Ganpat University organized a “Three days ChemFest-2021 on 29th to 31st Dec 2021. Conveners of this event are Dr. KD Bhatt (Head, Chemistry) Dr. Amit Parikh (Dean Fos & Principal), Dr. S.S. Pancholi (Executive Dean). The program of action includes six technical events covering the thrust areas of Science and Chemistry. Total 250+ students and scholars are participated in this event National symposium on Nanomaterial and ChemFest i.e. Poster Presentation, Oral Presentation, Quiz Competition, Scientific Essay Writing, ChemExperiment, Extemporary and Group Discussion. Total 273 student and scholars are participated in this event from different Department and Universities of Gujarat. Experts invited for the screening of best presentation/competition throughout the event from recognized Universities of Gujarat. This event was a platform for many students and research scholars who have started their research in different field of chemistry. ChemFest are simply a group of people coming together for the discussion and learning of specific scientific area, techniques and topics.